Cobar Camels Rugby Union Club stalwart Peter ‘Payney’ Payne was elected as the club’s new president at their annual general meeting on Sunday night.
Payney played his first game of rugby with the Cobar club at age 17 and has been actively involved both on and off the field ever since.
He’s previously held various executive committee roles within the club, including vice president and treasurer, however it’s the first time that Payney has taken on the top job.
Payney said after a dismal 2023 season, he’s keen to get the club back on track.
He’ll be assisted this season by two more Rugby Old Boys, Kel Ellicott and Kevin ‘Rusty’ Mitchell, as the club’s vice presidents with Samantha Ward returning as secretary.
Cairo Haronga was returned as club registrar and will continue on as interim treasurer (until such time a new treasurer is elected).
Cairo will also assist Tiffany Temminck with social media and events management.
Tiffany also took on the Canteen manager’s role and past club president Tony Jacklin will head up the grounds maintenance team.
Nine more club members were elected to the general committee.
In general business, the group discussed coaching roles, the need for a First Grade team trainer, sponsorship, some new fundraising ideas, ways to get more members involved in helping with the Return & Earn program (which brings much needed funding to help the club balance its budget each season) and the recruitment of players for the 2024 season.