The Copper City Men’s Shed has been able to purchase new tools and equipment with a $2,000 grant from the Federal Coalition Government under Round 18 of the National Shed Development Programme.
Member for Parkes Mark Coulton dropped in to the Men’s Shed while in Cobar last week to share the news.
“It’s fantastic to see the work being done at Copper City Men’s Shed, which will grow even more with the purchase of a plasma cutter machine and nail gun,” Mr Coulton said.
“The Copper City Men’s Shed offers wonderful support to local men who need a bit of space and some friendly, easy-going company.
“Every day men’s sheds across my electorate provide men with an opportunity for
companionship and support within their community.
“Our Government recognises these benefits and is investing a total of $5.1million over three years to the national men’s shed movement,” he said.
The men’s shed grants program provides funding for health improvement activities, the purchase of tools and equipment, community projects and training, and for building maintenance and development.