The Newey and Old Res water storage areas are almost dry after months of hot weather and a lack of significant rainfall in Cobar.
Cobar has recorded 139mm of rain since September last year, which is 36.4mm below the long term average.
After a dry winter, September had 4mm of rain, 21.4mm less than average.
October was more promising with 59mm recorded, giving brief relief while November was slightly down on average with just 28.8mm for the month. December’s 41mm of rain was not enough to top up the water storages before the summer heat really kicked in.
Just 6.2mm of rain fell during January with 25 days climbing above 35 degrees (11 of those days above 40 degrees) meaning Cobar’s water storages suffered.
Less than 1mm of rain has fallen to date this month with hot temperatures continuing.
Things heated up again last week peaking for the weekend with 40-degrees plus temperatures.
Last Monday reached 35 degrees while Tuesday was 37.4, Wednesday was 38 and Thursday recorded 39.9.
Friday topped at 42.8 degrees, the hottest day of the week, while Saturday was another scorcher reaching 42.4.
Sunday had a top of 38.6 and Monday was 35.
Cobar hasn’t seen the last of the summer heat yet, with temperatures in the high 30s forecast this week.
Mostly sunny conditions are expected today and tomorrow with tops of 39 and 37 degrees forecast.
Overnight temperatures should drop to around 17 on Friday before a top of 36 and a sunny day.
Saturday is expected to reach 38 after a low of 19.
The mercury is expected to top 40 degrees on Sunday after a low of 20 while Monday should reach 38.