‘New to Cobar’ event for new residents on Monday afternoon at the Cobar Youth & Community Centre. He is pictured with new residents Kylie Tonnisen and daughters Charlotte and Michaela (from Victoria) and Tremayne Po-Ching and Lise Ioane from Auckland, NZ. The event was organised by Cobar’s Combined Church group and aimed to give the ‘newbies’ plenty of local information to help them settle into the community. Police, Council staff and councillors, local business people and other community members joined Cr Marsden in helping to make the seven new residents welcome.
Mayor Jarrod Marsden (at far right) was part of the welcome committee at a
‘New to Cobar’ event for new residents on Monday afternoon at the Cobar Youth & Community Centre. He is pictured with new residents Kylie Tonnisen and daughters Charlotte and Michaela (from Victoria) and Tremayne Po-Ching and Lise Ioane from Auckland, NZ. The event was organised by Cobar’s Combined Church group and aimed to give the ‘newbies’ plenty of local information to help them settle into the community. Police, Council staff and councillors, local business people and other community members joined Cr Marsden in helping to make the seven new residents welcome.