complete, most of the windows and doors have been installed and plastering is almost completed. Over the next month the kitchen will go in and painting inside and out will commence. ▪ Photo contributed
Work is being carried out at a rapid rate by an army of tradesmen and women as they hasten to complete Cobar Shire Council’s Ward Oval multipurpose hall and early learning centre project by mid-April.
After a site visit last week, Cobar Shire Council’s project coordinator Carly Hunter reports that a large amount of contractors are currently on site busily working towards having the project soon completed.
The roof, most of the walls and ceilings, windows and doors have been installed in the early learning centre building.
The brickwork and some painting has just commenced.
Over the next four weeks, the contractor (David Payne Constructions) expects the tiling and joinery will all be completed, the kitchen and flooring should be close to being finished along with the bulk of the painting inside and out.
Landscaping work around the building will also commence within the next month and the new gates and fencing is expect to be installed by the end of March.
Work on the nearby multi purpose hall is also going well with the wall frames and roofing almost complete.
Plastering of the internal walls is close to being finished and most of the windows and doors have also been installed.
In the coming month the contractor expects the multi purpose hall building to be close to completion and then commissioning will commence.
By that stage the kitchen will also be nearly finalised along with the internal and external painting.
The multi purpose hall is on track to be up and operational before the end of April.
It’s expected the Cobar Show Society will be the first community group to christen the new multi purpose building when they host the 2024 Cobar Show.