After five years in the role, Colleen Boucher has stepped down as the president of the Cobar Branch of the Country Women’s Association (CWA).
Members were reluctant to see her relinquish the role at the groups’ annual general meeting on Sunday.
Mrs Boucher was however only following a mandate from the CWA State President Joy Beames at the recent CWA State Conference.
Mrs Beames encouraged branches to adopt the constitution’s rules of branch presidents being permitted to only serve a maximum of three consecutive years in the role.
It’s hoped this will encourage more members to take on different executive committee roles while being able to have experienced members to help them.
Mrs Boucher however was not excluded from taking on another executive committee role and she was elected as the Cobar group’s secretary with outgoing secretary, Rebecca Howard, stepping up into the president’s role.
Ms Howard said she was nervous but thrilled to be given the opportunity and pleased to have Mrs Boucher alongside her to guide her in her new responsibilities as president.
Long term members Mary Madden and Jean Poulter were returned as joint vice presidents with Nalda Boucher and Merredene Cantwell elected as treasurers.
Other elected officers were: Handicrafts Officer—Mrs Boucher; Land Cookery—Ms Howard; International Officer—Lexie Traynor; Cultural Officer—Lillian Simpson; Agriculture and Environment Officer—Simonne Mackay.
In other news reported to the meeting the Far West group recently held a really good cultural day at Nyngan and Mrs Boucher and Ms Howard reported on their attendance at the State Conference.
Members were advised the Country of Study for 2024 is France; the Fauna subject is Microbats; Fungi will replace Flora and their ‘Foe’ this year is Red Imported Fire Ants.