With COVID restrictions being lifted in Cobar on Saturday it allowed the P&R Lawrence sponsored golf day stableford to be played on Sunday.
The uncertainty of coming out of lockdown however had the format changed prior to the event from a Four-Ball-Best-Ball to a Stable-ford game.
A number of lady golfers were on hand with 17 participants deciding to take on the strong winds.
Daphne Cross finished as the winner with 36 points.
A three-way countback then separated An-gela Fryer, Sue Phillips and Pat Polack after all finished the day with 34 points.
Nearest the Pin prizes were awarded to Geraldine Francisco, Julie Livingston, Daph-ne Cross, Narelle Kriz and Angela Fryer.
Saturday’s stableford Trophy Day was won by Narelle Kriz with 37 points.
The runner-up with 36 points was Jannine Wilkin decided on a countback from Angela Fryer and Fay Hardwick.
Ann Dunn placed 5th with 35 points.
The Nearest the Pin winner on the 7th hole for A Grade was Fay Hardwick, Angela Fryer won B Grade and Pat Polack was the C Grade winner.
Sue Goonrey had an even card to take out last Wednesday’s Par round event.
Sally Bannister was 2nd with -1, Ann Dunn had -2 and Fran Samios ended the day with a score of -3.
Presentations for all COVID restricted games took place on Saturday as these could not be done previously.
There are quite a few changes to the wom-en’s (and men’s) golf program books now that Cobar is out of lockdown.
Today will be a Stableford game with Sep-tember’s Trophy Day to be played as a Par on Saturday.
Sunday’s event will now be the 2021 Mixed Foursomes Club Championships over 27 holes.
Partners need to be organised ASAP.
Ladies are also asked to take a plate for a special birthday celebration afterwards.
Next weekend, the ladies Club Champion-ships will be played over 27 holes each day.
Pending confirmation, Langford Day will now take place next month.
The Vi McLachlan Memorial Day has been however postponed to a date to be fixed due to some family members still in lockdown areas.
The annual ‘grudge’ match between the President and Captain (team event) will now go back to original date next month.
As the COVID pandemic has once again disrupted the Cobar ladies hosting the WD RoseBowl in conjunction with their open, it has been decided by the match committee to hold a local ‘COVID’ Ladies Trophy Day over 27 holes next month instead.
Depending on numbers, this event will be either held with the normal three grades or divided into two grades. See the Golfie’s ad opposite for full list of dates.—T’d Off