The old grand stand at Ward Oval is set to be demolished as part of a proposed new Masterplan for the Ward Oval sporting complex.
The new Masterplan, which has been re-leased to the community this week for feed-back and comments, aims to guide Cobar Shire Council in future developments of the precinct as more funding becomes available.
Council has already received funding to make a number of improvements including: the demolition of a number of old buildings, relocating the sewer line and to construct a new multi-purpose building.
This multi-purpose building would contain community multi-purpose rooms, a larger dining hall with stage, a catering kitchen, can-teen, amenities and change rooms.
Also funded are opportunities to create a barbecue and play area, construct an eight bay storage shed, to install a new PA System, pur-chase two portable grandstands, build an Early Learning Centre, upgrade the stables, do elec-trical upgrades, develop a new carpark, and install new fencing along with new landscap-ing and paving.
All of these works have been proposed to be carried out as Stage 1 of the redevelopment.
Items listed in the plan as part of Stage 2 (which will require additional funding) in-cludes a tree planting strategy, additional pav-ing, construction of a bike trail, fencing and re-turfing the ovals, installing exercise equip-ment and bubblers, creating a picnic area and re-positioning some of the existing equipment in the precinct.
As part of the proposed plan, two equally sized ovals which would create ample space for Cobar Show’s activities such as show jumping and hack rings.
It would also create greater flexibility for sporting users with Oval 1 to provide space for athletics, soccer, cricket, practice nets and a long jump pit.
It’s proposed the second oval would not be irrigated to the same level as Oval 1, but would provide users with practice nets, and encourage informal recreation pursuits such as kite flying, dog walking and could be utilized as a large grassed play area for families.
Also included in the Masterplan is shading around the perimeters of both ovals which will provide cover for spectators, supporters and show goers at various events.
As part of the plan, a walking path would be created as a boundary for the two ovals, as well a bike track that winds between the plant-ings and also a fenced dog park.
The area between the ovals is also the loca-tion for the proposed picnic area which is part of Stage 2 of the development.
The proposed new carpark is to be formal-ised with line markings but would be left largely open to ensure there is ample space and flexibility for show rides and camping.
As part of the new Masterplan the location of the proposed new Early Learning Centre has been moved to frame the entrance to the Ward Oval site (on the corner of Maidens Avenue and Brennan Street) along with a playground and park area.
The plan takes into consideration how all of these new facilities will work in with and en-hance the existing facilities including the net-ball courts and Men’s Shed.
The proposed Ward Oval Masterplan is available for viewing on Council’s website and at Council’s administration office.
Community sessions are to also be held. See advertisement on Page 19 for details.
The old grand stand at Ward Oval is proposed to be demolished as part of the precinct’s new Ward Oval Masterplan which Cobar Shire Council currently has on display for community feedback.
Old grand stand to go as part of Masterplan for Ward Oval