Three months ago local nurses Lisa Travis and Beau Webster had a goal to raise $5,000 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) by walking the Larapinta Trek in the Northern Territory.
Last Monday when the pair returned from their 98km walk over five days through the McDonald Ranges, they had raised $24,500.
“It was really tough, it was a lot tougher than what we’d anticipated, the terrain—not so much the distance—but the terrain, it was really rocky, and no sort of dedicated paths,” Lisa told The Cobar Weekly.
“It was really tough, but we did it and we finished it. It was amazing. We had a great group of people that we trekked with and they jumped on board and donated too.”
Lisa said there were tough days where they really struggled with blisters and sunburn, but they kept each other going.
“Although Beau says she’ll never agree to any other ideas I have,” Lisa said.
The pair were back in time for the Mini Masters rugby league tournament on Saturday hosted by the COHOE Roosters Club who had pledged a $1,000 donation to RFDS.
With that donation and another $1,000 from the Cobar Rugby League Old Boys as well as the proceeds of an auction of memorabilia at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club on Saturday night, Lisa and Beau’s fundraising tally for the RFDS has reached $40,000.
But that’s not the end of it!
The Cobar Rugby League Club is right behind Lisa and Beau and, in addition to supporting the Mini Masters day on Saturday, the club will be hosting a tennis fun day with proceeds from the event also going to the RFDS.
Lisa said she is confident when they wrap up their fundraising in a few weeks, they will reach a total of $50,000.
The RFDS is impressed by their efforts.
“Everyone here is humbled by the dedication and kindness Lisa, Beau and the entire community have shown our cause,” RFDS South Eastern Section’s senior community fundraising coordinator Prue Steel told The Cobar Weekly.
“We can’t praise the Cobar community enough for their generous support. What an amazing achievement, not only have Lisa and Beau completed the Larapinta Trek but they have raised vital funds that will help keep the Flying Doctor flying in Outback NSW.”