Staff from a number of local agencies, services and schools recently attended a Domestic Violence (DV) alert workshop in Cobar.
The ‘Dv–alert’ is a key initiative funded by the Department of Social Services under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.
CatholicCare, Barnardos, Birrang, Cobar Public School, St John’s Parish School, Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) and Cobar Mobile Children’s Service staff were guided through the session by trainers Jodie Williams and Mark Richards to help them to recognise the signs of domestic and family violence, how to respond with appropriate care and how to refer people experiencing or at the risk of domestic and family violence to appropriate support services.
Georgie Brown from the RFDS was among those who attended and said it was a very good presentation.
“Everyone felt the training was very useful,” Georgie said.
“There are plans for more training to be delivered through Lifeline in Cobar this year to frontline workers, schools and community members including understanding substance misuse, working with aggressive behaviours and motivational interviewing.”