Cobar High School has jumped on the virtual choir bandwagon which offers stu-dents the opportunity to continue to engage in their music studies in a fun and creative way.
Music teacher Laura Andrew said virtual choirs and ensembles have become very pop-ular during COVID lockdown.
“The virtual choir gives students the oppor-tunity to engage in making music from home in a safe way.
“Students have been getting involved in musical performances prior to lockdown, such as the Miners Memorial Opening and Opera Express, and Lean on Me is another opportunity to show Cobar the talent that is at the school,” Laura said.
To be part of the virtual choir, students can choose to sing-along with the track, play a musical instrument or make their own percus-sion instrument and tap along.
“It’s really about getting students involved in a way they feel most comfortable.
“We’re also encouraging students who are learning Auslan to learn some of signs in the song, video themselves and send that in too,” she said.
Laura said it was easy for Cobar High stu-dents to join the virtual choir.
“They need two devices – one to listen to the track with headphones and another to record their performance.”