Funding needed to continue our air services

NSW Government grant funding for Fly Pelican’s Cobar to Sydney air services contract is due to finish in September and, as yet, no further funding has been secured to continue the service. The Far North West Joint Organisation (FNWJO) made up of the Bourke, Cobar and Walgett Local Government Areas, […]


Invasive weeds

The NSW Government is unleashing biological control agents to help manage outbreaks of invasive weeds across reserves in Far West NSW. Crown Lands has been propagating cochineal, a tiny scale insect, to attack invasive cactus species, including Hudson pear, common pear and devil’s rope in the Cobar, Walgett and Wentworth […]


Seniors sing for their supper

The Cobar Seniors Singing Group were part of the entertainment at the Seniors Gala Dinner at the Ward Oval Pavilion on Wednesday night. The event, which included a delicious two course meal and live entertainment, was one of four events coordinated by Cobar Shire Council last week to celebrate Seniors […]


Suzukis raise over $50,000 for Tilpa & RFDS

The 6th Suzuki Drive, held on the weekend, has raised over $50,000 for the Tilpa community and the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). Rally organiser Graeme Barton said it was an incredible effort this year by the 66 participants who drove their 33 Suzukis from Cobar to Tilpa on Friday […]


Cobar’s seniors take centre stage

    Cobar’s 2025 Seniors Expo was held at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club yesterday. This is the second year the event has been organised and coordinated by Kara O’Hara from Kirinari, who describes herself as an aged care services navigator. Kara said the Expo was a way to […]


Cr Deighton calls for a clear plan for the Grand Precinct

Cr Chris Deighton has called for careful consideration before Cobar Shire Council progresses with its plan to create a Grand Precinct in the main street. Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko  apprised councillors about the recent federal Government Grand Precinct grant funding win at last week’s Ordinary Council Meeting. Mr Vlatko […]