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Local Sport

History made at pistol club event

After the rain during the week, and with a fine, sunny day on Sunday, shooters came out of the wood work for the Cobar Amateur Pistol Club’s 25 Metre Centrefire/Sports Pistol event. Under the guidance of Merv O’Brien who was the Range Officer for the day, a first in recent […]

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Local Sport

First win for Chick Chow Mein netballers

It was a determined Chick Chow Mein side that took on Mama Bears last Saturday in the local women’s netball B Grade competition. That determination paid off with Chick Chow Mein rewarded with their first win in the competition. With the crowd behind them, the hard fought eight goal win […]

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Local News

City kids get a taste of the west

 Former Cobar Catholic parish priest Fr Paul Finucane was back in town on Friday night with a group of Year 10, 11 and 12 students from St Leo’s College in Sydney with Aboriginal liaison officer David Ella from the Broken Bay Diocese. The group spent the first night of their […]

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Local News

Festival planning now underway

The 2015 Festival of the Miner’s Ghost preparation is underway with the first meeting held at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club last Thursday. Cobar Shire Council’s tourism officer John Martin said the meeting was well attended with 18 people from a number of different local clubs and organisations lending […]

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Local News

Business association welcomes mines as major sponsors

The Cobar Business Association has once again welcomed the sponsorship of New Gold Peak Gold Mines and Glencore CSA Mine for their annual Great Cobar Business Awards. Brien Obray, CSA Mine’s human resources superintendent, said he believes the awards help to bring a level of professional recognition to local businesses. […]

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Local News

Missing local woman found

A local woman was found alive on Saturday afternoon after surviving in the bush for five days after she was the subject of a NSW Police search last week. Danielle Martin, known to her friends and family as Nelly, was reported by her partner as missing to police last Wednesday […]

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Local News

Helping our local youth

Cobar Mining Contractors business owner Tony Ellison (far right) with his wife Shey and son Max (far left) donated $500 each to the Australian Army Cadets Cobar Unit and Cobar Girl Guides. On hand to accept the donations last Thursday were Captain Colleen Boucher (Cadets) and Cathy Manns (Girl Guides). […]