Month: November 2016

Bayer Neverlosen never lost all season
Bayer Neverlosen capped off a successful season defeating CSA 2-0 in a thrilling Mixed Indoor Soccer grand final last Wednesday night at the youth centre. The competition’s leading female scorer Mel Bruce slotted home the winning goal for Bayer Neverlosen five minutes from full-time to clinch the title win for […]

CATS offer a gentle introduction to sport of triathlons
In an effort to encourage more people to take up their sport, the Cobar Athletics & Triathlon Squad (CATS) held a Try-A-Tri day on Sunday. It was hoped the shorter swim/ride/run course would entice people who considered themselves not fit enough to complete the club’s regular long or short courses […]

No AFL interest shown at Blues’ AGM
There was a good roll up of 14 interested people to the Cobar Blues Football & Netball Club’s annual general meeting on Sunday at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club. There was however no interest shown at the meeting from the club’s AFL fraternity of players or the Auskick junior […]

Local electrician tests his skills against Australia’s best
After competing against some of the best emerging tradesmen from all around Australia, local electrician Luke Moody said he would recommend the experience to anyone. The Peak Gold Mines recently qualified electrical tradesman said he enjoyed competing at the Worldskills event in Melbourne last month. “The whole trade event was […]

Pony club camp
Cobar Pony Club held their annual camp last weekend after it was previously postponed in the October School Holidays due to wet weather. Although it turned out to be quite hot and windy, there was a fantastic turnout of 22 riders in total, four of which travelled from Bourke. Riders […]

Peak Gold Mines reports on an exceptional year in 2016
Peak Gold Mines (PGM) staff were pleased to publicly present the good news about the mine’s exceptional year in production and safety in 2016. Company representatives spoke of the mine’s bright future at a community consultation meeting last Wednesday night at Cobar Bowling & Golf Club. The aim of the […]

CHS school captain receives a prestigious science award
Cobar High School’s school captain Jye Robinson was among a small group of Year 11 students from schools across the Dubbo region to be presented with a Victor Chang School Science Award. Jye was presented with his award for excellent achievement and passion for science at special ceremony in Dubbo […]