Susan, Phil and Jackson Mansfield (Kilmore) and Matilda, Jacob, Christina and Andrew
Skora (Wallan) at their lunch stop at the Cobar Services Club yesterday.
The Victorian-based Variety Brats Bash,
a family friendly, motoring event passed
through Cobar yesterday with the group of
66 adults and kids stopping for lunch at the
Cobar Services Club.
The group set out from Melbourne on Sunday
for their 10 day Eastern Australia adventure
which includes stays at Lightning Ridge,
a visit to Seaworld on the Gold Coast, as well
as visiting Tamworth and Bathurst’s Mount
Brats Bash organiser and a Variety board
member, Jason McKenzie, told The Cobar
Weekly it was great to be able to visit Cobar
again on their 19th year of the Bash. (Cobar
was one of the overnight stops for the Brats
Bash three years ago.)
“This year we’ve got 21 cars and 66 people
and 26 of those are Brats, kids ranging from
babies to 18 year olds,” Jason said.
“It’s about a 5,500km trip and our fundraising
target this year is $50,000.”
He said all funds raised help children experiencing
illness, disadvantage or living with a
Jason said being a Bash participant becomes
a passion and is addictive.
“Families come along thinking they’ll just
do one Bash, but they keep coming back,” he
Costumes and themes are encouraged and
there’s lots of games and activities planned for
the kids each day.