Stop the spread and stay home for me


The current restrictions in place to help stop the spread of Coronavirus may seem inconvenient to some, but have you really thought about who you’re potentially affecting when you ignore the rules? By staying home you are stopping the potential to spread the virus to our vulnerable community members like the elderly, babies, or those with compromised immune systems. By stopping the spread in Cobar, we’re making sure our essential health workers can be there when we need them.

Our local medical, police and government authorities are all calling for locals to stay at home in an effort to protect everyone in the Cobar community from contracting Coronavirus.

By staying at home you will protect not only yourself but also others, including our local health service workers.

A spokesperson from the Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD) said it is critical that everyone in all our local communities continues to practice social distancing to minimise the risk of the transmission of COVID-19.

“This is important for everyone, but particularly for older people and people with
health conditions that make them more vulnerable.

“It’s also important that we protect our health care workers who we need to stay well to provide care to people who become sick with COVID-19,” the spokesperson said.

“The best thing everyone can do at this point is to stay at home unless it is absolutely essential.”

To date Cobar has no reported cases and the risk of getting the virus may seem low however it has reached some of our near neighbours including Dubbo (with six cases), Broken Hill (with two patients) and Warren and Narromine both have one reported case each.

It seems many young people believe if they were to contract COVID-19, it won’t affect them badly and others don’t see much harm in popping out to a friend’s place for a coffee.

Medical experts warn that some people can contract Coronavirus without showing any symptoms.

They might touch things like supermarket fridge doors or petrol bowsers (which are touched by many others in the community) and they could be spreading the virus without even knowing.

NSW Police Force Commissioner Mick Fuller reminds NSW residents they need to stay at home unless they have a reasonable excuse for leaving.

“Shopping for food, travel to work or school, medical treatment or exercise are all reasonable excuses,” Commissioner Fuller said.

“Exercise is important for physical and mental health.

“The important thing is that people comply with the two person rule when doing exercise, or that they only exercise with their household.”

Cobar Police Sergeant Chris Power said local police have been conducting foot patrols of the CBD on a regular basis not only for the purpose of enforcing social distancing rules but also to engage with business owners and identify an issues they are experiencing.

“Police will enforce the ministerial directions and we remind the community they are required to stay at home unless they have a reasonable and genuine excuse to be out in public,” Sergeant Power said.

“Penalties apply for these breaches including on the spot fines ranging from $1,000 for individuals and $5,000 for businesses and organisations.

“Police are also able to issue court attendance notices with penalties of $11,000 or six months imprisonment,” he said.

“Community members should familiarize themselves with the public health notifications and what constitutes a reasonable excuse.”

Authorities have advised that all Easter travel plans need to be cancelled and people need to stay at home.

By staying at home, you’ll not only be protecting yourself and your loved ones, but you’ll also be protecting our heath workers and their loved ones, not to mention the rest of the Cobar community.