Friday at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club.
A field of 27 ladies and gentlemen golfers braved the cold conditions on Friday to compete in the annual Cobar Veterans Golf Championships.
Despite the weather (it didn’t get much above 10 or 11 degrees for most of the day which the Bureau of Meteorology said felt like six degrees) there was a good representation of visiting golfers among the men.
However, with the Cobar Ladies Open on Sunday, the visitors chose not to double-up and there were only nine ladies for Friday’s game.
Local player Jannine Wilkin had the best overall score of the day with 40 points, which was an excellent score in the conditions.
The best score among the men was by Glenn ‘Kiwi’ Ratcliffe, who finished with 37 points.
The Ladies A Grade runner-up was Julie Livingston (37) with Sally Bannister (34) third; the best in B Grade was Brenda Fugar (38) followed by Karren Manns (37) and the Nearest the Pin winners were: 3rd hole Manns, 7th and 15th Fay Hardwick,
8th Narelle Kriz and 11th Livingston.
In the Gents, the A Grade runner-up was Peter Brien (35) with Bill Fugar (34) 3rd; the best in B Grade was Geoff Rorke (35) followed by Ray Yench (32). The Nearest the Pin winners were: 3rd and 8th holes Palma, 7th Fugar, 11th Greg Kearines and 15th Piers Brown.—Out of Bounds