MLC was in Cobar last Wednesday speaking to local business people about how they
were recovering from the drought and COVID pandemic. Mr Moohkey is pictured with
Wendy Robinson and Kelly Randall from Cobar Furniture One who reported trade
had been mostly “pretty good” over the past year. Mr Moohkey also met with the
Cobar Business Association executive who reported that while many local businesses
are doing well many have problems in recruiting staff (both skilled and unskilled). The
Association’s president Sharon Harland said one of the main causes of businesses’
inability to attract staff is a lack of childcare facilities. Mr Mookhey said he has been
hearing that other regional towns are also facing similar problems and was pleased to
see that Cobar’s economy was recovering well.
Shadow Minister for Finance, Small Business and the Gig Economy, Daniel Mookhey
MLC was in Cobar last Wednesday speaking to local business people about how they
were recovering from the drought and COVID pandemic. Mr Moohkey is pictured with
Wendy Robinson and Kelly Randall from Cobar Furniture One who reported trade
had been mostly “pretty good” over the past year. Mr Moohkey also met with the
Cobar Business Association executive who reported that while many local businesses
are doing well many have problems in recruiting staff (both skilled and unskilled). The
Association’s president Sharon Harland said one of the main causes of businesses’
inability to attract staff is a lack of childcare facilities. Mr Mookhey said he has been
hearing that other regional towns are also facing similar problems and was pleased to
see that Cobar’s economy was recovering well.