manager Linda Carter about ATDW.
Cobar Shire Council’s Business Support Officer Kate Joss has been speaking with local businesses about the benefits of being listed on the ATDW website.
ATDW, the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse, is the national database for tourism business listings.
“Tourism distributors (like Destination NSW) have licences to use this ATDW database for the business listings within their websites for promotion of the regions,” Kate explained.
“For example, Destination NSW has a licence with ATDW to use the listings to promote NSW tourism businesses via their VisitNSW website.
“More locally, when people search for ‘Cobar’ in Google, the VisitNSW website comes up and ideally all Cobar tourism businesses will be listed here also.”
Kate said this is very beneficial for Cobar’s tourism-based businesses who will gain additional exposure to a national audience who are searching for things to do, things to see and places to eat in Cobar.
“People could be planning a trip from their home in Queensland, search for ‘Cobar’, click on the VisitNSW link and all the Cobar tourism business listings will be there together making it much easier for the traveller to plan their trip and engage with businesses product offerings,” Kate said.
She said the site may also benefit other local businesses that are not primarily tourism-based…Full story in this week’s edition out now!