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Team Roberts emerge as Fours game victors
Kyle Roberts, Don Roberts, Ian Prendergast and Marlene Wynd won their bowls Fours Championship game at the Golfie on Sunday morning by just two shots. They took on the United Nations team of Shane Carter, Peter ‘China’ Brien, Glenn ‘Kiwi’ Ratcliffe and John Claus, with UN starting strong until Team […]

Roosters will have another shot at grand final glory
The opening 15 minutes of the Christie & Hood Castlereagh Rugby League major semi-final clash between the Gulgong Terriers and the Cobar Roosters at Gulgong on Saturday were pivotal to the outcome of what was a gripping encounter between the two sides. And while Gulgong did eventually finish with a […]

Visitor numbers on par with last year
Cobar Shire Council’s Tourism Manager Demi Smith reports visitor numbers this year are looking very good and are on par with last year’s excellent figures. Demi presented the visitor statistics at last week’s Tourism Advisory Committee meeting. Up until the end of July, the Visitor Information Centre and Great Cobar […]