Visitor numbers on par with last year

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Cobar Shire Council’s Tourism Manager Demi Smith reports visitor numbers this year are looking very good and are on par with last year’s excellent figures.

Demi presented the visitor statistics at last week’s Tourism Advisory Committee meeting.

Up until the end of July, the Visitor Information Centre and Great Cobar Museum had 15,551 visitors pass through, with 3,687 of those visiting in July, which was the busiest month this year.

“The numbers are very similar to last year, the overall difference is 39 people less this year,” Demi said.

“Last year wasn’t a record year, but it was one of the best years we’ve had for visitors.

“We were on track to have a record year but floods and road closures prevented that.”

We’re still in with a hope of recording a record year this year as Demi’s vistitor figures don’t yet include this month which has been a very busy period with lots of visitors attending the Glenhope Shindig and more passing through for the Mundi Mundi festival in Broken Hill.