regular competition as minor premiers and last Tuesday night they claimed a win in the grand final, beating Watch & Learn 37-28.
All Class outclassed Watch & Learn in last Tuesday night’s Fast5 netball grand final finishing with a comfortable 37-28 victory.
It was a slow start for both sides as they worked off their grand final nerves.
All Class had a narrow 5-2 lead at the first break and they were still ahead, 12-5 at half time.
Both teams were evenly matched up and down the court, with lots of turnovers recorded throughout the match, but it was All Class’s shooting tactics that made the biggest contribution to their win.
While All Class sank 18 shots in the match and Watch & Learn netted 16 goals, the difference was All Class’s shooters, Nicola Harbison and Nathan Prince, weren’t afraid to take risks in the circle.
Between them they scored 13 double pointers (long range shots) in the match.
Three of those shots were netted in the third quarter, which was when they elected to use their Power Play option, which converted them to four point goals on the scoresheet.
The bulk of Watch & Learn’s goals were however single-pointers, as they were forced to shoot close in under the ring.
For the first three quarters of the game, the All Class defenders did a great job of successfully shutting down Watch & Learn’s star shooter, Stevie Toomey.
That was up until the final quarter, when Watch & Learn used their Power Play option and Toomey outplayed her defenders to score 14 of their 16 points in that quarter.
The late surge was however too little, too late and All Class finished with a nine point win, 37-28.
Presentations followed the game with All Class collecting Cobar Netball Association (CNA) stubby holders and $200 worth of Cobar Quids as the competition winners.
As runners-up, Watch & Learn were also presented with CNA stubby holders and $100 Cobar Quids.
The competition’s Favourite Fivers (as voted each week by their opposition) were announced.
From the 26 nominees this year, All Class’s Nicola Harbison and Fast Fobs’ Jayden Paul were the winners with three votes each.