The Cobar 221 Army Cadet Unit gathered socially on the weekend for their award presentations.
Cadets Braiden Jones, Brooklynn Mackay and Riley Bottom all received promotions in rank with Brooklyn Mackay also receiving a Gold Level commendation, the Cartner Family Award and the Boucher Shield.
Braiden Jones was awarded with the Greenie, Gnawer and a Navigation awards, while Riley Bottom received Cadet of the Year, Trained Solider and the Attendance awards.
Amara Bottom received the Dress and Bearing award, Nauman Faisal collected the CMC Drill award and cadets Tiana Jones, Reegan Traynor and Harry Franks all received Encouragement Awards.
The cadets are now looking forward to continuing their training in 2021 and are hopeful for a full year and some additional recruits.—contributed