With our local water storages currently at less than half capacity, Cobar Shire Council is not expected to lift the town’s water restrictions anytime in the foreseeable future.
Cr Julie Payne put the question of how long water restrictions would remain in place to Council’s Director of Infrastructure Services Scott Casey at last week’s Ordinary Council Meeting.
Mr Casey said he didn’t think there would be any easing of the restrictions until possibly winter.
“The storage levels at last count were at about 44 per cent, which is coming up quite nicely.
“We were down at 29 per cent before Christmas,” Mr Casey said.
He said they are still investigating what caused the failure to the pumps at the Nyngan water storages last year.
“We’re running on some temporary diesel pumps, both at Nyngan and we’ve got a temporary diesel on standby at Hermidale as well,” Mr Casey reported to the meeting.
“My recommendation would be that we maintain the restrictions for the moment until we get a clear idea of where we are going with the pumps at Nyngan and Hermidale.
“That may change as we move out of summer and into winter, but I think at 44 per cent we are probably sensible not to take restrictions off yet,” he said.
Cobar Shire Council’s water restrictions will remain at Level 2, on the odds and evens system (ie odd numbered addresses 1, 3 5 etc can water on odd numbered days of the month, while even numbers 2, 4, 6 etc can water on even days of the month).
Garden irrigation systems, sprinklers and hand-held hoses can be used for one hour between 4pm and 9am on their allotted days. Watering between the hours of 9am to 4pm, the hottest parts of the day, is banned.
Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko said water-wise behaviour will go a long way to protecting our precious water supply.