The unique artworks of eight talented Nymagee artists is currently on display at the Cobar Library.
Cobar Librarian Jane Siermans said when she heard of the work the Nymagee artists had been doing, she invited them to put it on display in the library.
“The artists of the Nymagee Community Art Group have been very busy creating artworks and folk art.
“But the art is not just on canvas,” she said.
Some of the eye-catching art has been created on shovel blades, handsaws and chainsaw blades.
The collection also includes traditional paint on canvas works (some of which have been mounted on pieces of corrugated iron) as well as pen and ink drawings.
“They really make our walls pop,” Jane said.
There’s 29 nine pieces in the Nymagee collection which have been created by local women, Jo Bates, Dolly Betts, Anita Burcher, Bev Ellison, Gloria Hardwick, Marie Harley, Di Roche and Kerrie Wilson.
The Nymagee artists’ exhibition is available for viewing until the end of April.
Jane said she is keen to hear from any local artists who might be interested in displaying their work at the library.
“We’re always looking for art to display, whether it’s paintings, photos or drawings—pieces that will hang,” she said.