Golf big guns make an appearance

A merry little band of six players went out on Wednesday and played in the Men’s Golf mid-week competition. Max Phillips, whose golf hasn’t been anything to talk about lately, showed a clean pair of heels and pulled away to win by five strokes over Peter Lawrence. Phillips also had […]


Swimmers are off to State carnival

  Four Cobar High School swimmers are off to the State Swimming Championships after their success at the Western Swimming Carnival in Dubbo last Thursday. Henry Knight qualified for seven out of the nine events he swam in last week and will now compete at State in the 16 years […]


Camels welcome some Fijian firepower

The Cobar Camels have started their new rugby season off on the right foot recording a comprehensive 31-14 win over visitors, Parkes Boars. The preseason friendly game was played at Ailsa Fitzsimmons Memorial Oval on Saturday afternoon in very hot conditions with the match modified and played in three thirds. […]


New Fast5 netball comp now underway

After a false start to the new season, the Fast5 netball competition got underway at Ward Oval last Tuesday night. Rain and thunderstorms caused the cancellation of Round 1 on February 21 and so Round 2 last week was played as a double header to catch up. The newly formed […]