Show Society volunteers are confident and optimistic

Cobar Show Society volunteers Kaycee Cain, Bianca Chester, Colette Cohen and
Rebecca Howard attended an agricultural show conference in Dubbo on Saturday and brought home some great ideas for next year’s Cobar Show. ▪ Photo contributed

Cobar Show Society committee members joined other agricultural show volunteers from around the state at a conference in Dubbo on the weekend which aimed to celebrate, motivate and educate volunteers on what makes a great show in 2023 and beyond.

Volunteers from 192 country and suburban shows in New South Wales were invited to attend the event hosted and funded by AgShows NSW.

President of AgShows NSW, Peter Gooch, said while many shows are steeped in agricultural history (with the longest running country shows in the state dating back over 175 years including the Maitland, Kiama and Penrith Shows) this conference had a focus on the future.

Cobar Show Society secretary Colette Cohen attended and said the networking event was “amazing” and it had renewed her enthusiasm and optimism for planning next year’s show.

“We have some great ideas to look into for implementing next show and also with meetings and how to help with retention of volunteers,” Colette said.

“It was useful to realise that many show committees have the same concerns and possible threats, and to learn that help is also available.”…Full report in this week’s edition out now!