A newly completed pergola in the garden at the Lilliane Brady Village retirement home is proving to be a popular place with the residents keen to get their daily dose of Vitamin D from the sun. A donation to the Pink Ladies fundraising committee from one of the resident’s family helped to build the wooden shade structure with the work carried out by local builder Jade McDonald from Country Mile Constructions. Pictured seated in the pergola last week were Pink Ladies volunteer Shirley Higgins, resident Dulcie Fairbank and director of nursing Sharon Huon.
The House with No Steps, in partnership with the Buckwaroon Landcare Group, hosted a fun personal development day for local women last week. Led by experienced speakers Dr Natalie Shepherd, a health professional and business woman, and Sandra Martin who has business senior management experience, the […]
In an effort to curb illegal dumping in the Cobar Shire, the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s RidOnline portal was launched on Monday so the public can record and inform enforcement agencies of illegal dumping events. Cobar Shire Council’s manager of planning and environmental services Stephen Poulter said illegal dumping occurs […]