Cobar High School last week announced their newly elected school captains, Todd Polack and Joey Neale (pictured above at back with principal Shane Carter at centre). The pair were elected along with vice captains Sophie Clark and Elly-May Hand. Mr Carter said he was proud of how the students campaigned for the school captain’s roles. “It was a completely new concept for Cobar High to deliver their candidature via social media (necessitated by the lockdown). The students did a fantastic job in “putting themselves out there”, which can be a very daunting task, as well as showing great respect for their peers,” Mr Carter said
Cobar High School last week announced their newly elected school captains, Todd Polack and Joey Neale (pictured above at back with principal Shane Carter at centre). The pair were elected along with vice captains Sophie Clark and Elly-May Hand. Mr Carter said he was proud of how the students campaigned for the school captain’s roles. “It was a completely new concept for Cobar High to deliver their candidature via social media (necessitated by the lockdown). The students did a fantastic job in “putting themselves out there”, which can be a very daunting task, as well as showing great respect for their peers,” Mr Carter said
While there may have only been a small turn out of rural landholders for last week’s Rural Crime Forum in Cobar, those who did attend report they gained some valuable information. Led by Rural Crime Prevention Team officers, Acting Sergeant Graeme Campbell and Senior Constable Andrew Smith, last Wednesday night’s […]
An excellent field of 60 bowlers turned out for the annual Cobar Bowling & Golf Club President’s Day on Sunday. The greens were in tip-top condition as was the spectacular lunch provided by Rhonda Hudson and her side kick Doug. A number of teams from Hillston and Bourke along with […]