Cobar Shire Council’s mayor Lilliane Brady met with State Member for Barwon Kevin Humphries last week to plead Cobar’s case for funding a new town water pipeline.
Mayor Brady told Mr Humphries that Cobar residents have repeatedly been experiencing dirty water over the past three months which can be blamed on a 6km section of old cast iron pipes in the town water pipeline.
The recent hot weather and the resultant increased demand for water for air conditioners etc has exacerbated the dirty water situation with a higher than normal volume of water passing through the town pipe line.
Mayor Brady said council has funding to build a brand new water treatment plant however this won’t remedy the dirty water situation.
“There’s no point in having a new water treatment plant if the town’s water pipes are still in a shocking state.
“Kevin understands the situation,” Mayor Brady said.
Mr Humphries said he has been advised that some parts of town have been affected worse than others.
“The aim will be to target these worst areas first,” he said.
“Council is working with DPI-Water to scope up a program of works on how to fix this problem.
“Council is also working with Public Works to develop a project plan with DPI-Water which will hopefully be supported by Infrastructure NSW.”
Mayor Brady said she is looking forward to working with DPI’s Gavin Priestly to remedy the situation.
“Gavin knows Cobar. I’m hopeful that we will get some funding, but unfortunately it won’t be in a hurry and we won’t be able to help people straight away,” she said.