Cobar High School students are getting a taste of working life in various local businesses, with a number taking part in work experience.
Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 have been spending some of their school hours within businesses learning different skills and experiencing what life beyond school is really like.
Careers advisor Megan Nicholson said she is overwhelmed with the support that the community and its businesses have shown to the students.
Several local businesses have opened their doors to the students, including Sandvik, KML Industries and Westrac.
Mrs Nicholson said work experience provides a general introduction to the ‘world of work’ and helps to build a student’s career planning skills and their transition from school to the workplace. It can also assist with the choice of subjects available to them in senior high school.
Students are able to observe a variety of work, usually in a field of their choice and undertake supervised tasks appropriate to their skill level.