Have you registered your children in a summer sport yet?
With a number of local junior sports starting this week it isn’t too late to get your children active and become more involved in the community.
The Cobar Swimming Club 2017/2018 season begins this afternoon at the Cobar Memorial Swimming Pool.
The club’s race secretary Alison Brettell reports only 32 children have registered with the club this season.
Children from age four and older can participate in swimming club and it is a great way for the children to improve their swimming and pool safety skills.
Cobar Junior Cricket Club will kick their season off this Saturday morning with a free ‘come and try event’ day.
The cricket club plans to run three separate age competitions this season to cover different skill levels and enable all children to be actively involved.
Tim Brettell from Cobar Junior Cricket Club told The Cobar Weekly that as of Monday afternoon the Juniors competition (for ages 12-16 years) only had eight registrations.
He said the club is very eager to encourage more children to get involved so there is enough to run a competition.
The five to seven years age group (In2Cricket) currently has 14 registrations while in the eight to 11 year group (T20 Blast competition) they have had 28 players register.
On Monday night the Cobar Little Athletics club had their first meet for the season, and their registration numbers are also down on last season.
Club registrar Alison Brettell said the club has only 65 registrations when in past years it has always been up around the 100 mark.
Children three years and up are eligible to participate in Little Athletics.
All three local junior sporting clubs can be contacted via their Facebook pages for registration information and details.