Staff and residents at the Lilliane Brady Village helped Edna Neale celebrate her 99th birthday yesterday. Staff hung a birthday banner over door, made her a cake and, along with residents, they sang Happy Birthday. Due to the COVID lockdown Edna’s family and friends were unable to visit and help her celebrate the milestone, however daughter Denise promises there will be a HUGE 99th birthday bash just as soon as restrictions on gatherings are eased
Staff and residents at the Lilliane Brady Village helped Edna Neale celebrate her 99th birthday yesterday. Staff hung a birthday banner over door, made her a cake and, along with residents, they sang Happy Birthday. Due to the COVID lockdown Edna’s family and friends were unable to visit and help her celebrate the milestone, however daughter Denise promises there will be a HUGE 99th birthday bash just as soon as restrictions on gatherings are eased
Cobar Little Athletics Club are one of the beneficiaries this year from Glencore CSA Mine’s donation program with the club receiving a donation of $4,200 to purchase a new high jump mat kit. Pictured on Monday afternoon at the Little A’s club competition is CSA Mine general manager Peter Christen […]
There was plenty of interest shown in forming a new Youth Council with a big turn out for their first meeting last Friday. Cobar Shire Council’s new youth officer Natalie Prisk said the meeting was an incredi-ble success with lots of great ideas coming out of their brainstorming session. “We […]
their fourth week of educating their children at home due to the COVID lockdown, some families are developing routines while others are ready to pull their hair out. In an effort to help, The Cobar Weekly has reached out to some “home school experts” for advice that might help to […]