The Cobar Girl Guides had a training session with the Roosterettes women’s League Tag team last week. Girl Guide leader Louise McKervey said some of the Guides had never played any sport so was a great way to give them some experience and also to meet new women in the community who they can look up to. The Guides have carried their “looking up to women in the community” theme to their community display as part of this year’s Cobar Show. The girls chose local women from the community whom they admire and put their photos into a “garden” display. Among those women who featured were Lilliane Brady OAM, the Cobar Health Service staff, a number of teachers, guides’ mums, former nursing home manager Sharon Huon, dentist Dr Caroline Bowman, artist Seigrid Peters, Cobar Junior League’s Simone Knight and Cobar Weekly’s Sharon Harland.
The Cobar Girl Guides had a training session with the Roosterettes women’s League Tag team last week. Girl Guide leader Louise McKervey said some of the Guides had never played any sport so was a great way to give them some experience and also to meet new women in the community who they can look up to. The Guides have carried their “looking up to women in the community” theme to their community display as part of this year’s Cobar Show. The girls chose local women from the community whom they admire and put their photos into a “garden” display. Among those women who featured were Lilliane Brady OAM, the Cobar Health Service staff, a number of teachers, guides’ mums, former nursing home manager Sharon Huon, dentist Dr Caroline Bowman, artist Seigrid Peters, Cobar Junior League’s Simone Knight and Cobar Weekly’s Sharon Harland
Another new Cobar Shire Council community project is up and running with the new PA System in the main street getting its first run on Saturday morning. Shoppers in the main street on Saturday may have noticed some background music coming from the recently installed PA System located at the […]
The Cobar Soccer Club wrapped up their season over the weekend with awards and trophies delivered to players in lieu of hold-ing an end of season presentation day. COVID restrictions saw the end of the sea-son cut short with grand final matches unable to be played. Based on standings at […]
Cobar’s win over Dunedoo on Saturday has given the Roosters the psychological edge in the run up to the finals of the Chris-tie & Hood Castlereagh Rugby League com-petition. While Cobar may have narrowly won the Round 13 Castlereagh match 26-20 on Satur-day at Tom Knight Memorial Oval, it didn’t […]