Howard (at far right) with Cobar Shire Council’s deputy mayor Peter Abbott (centre) at CSA’s community information night at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club last Thursday night.
CSA Mine’s chief executive officer Deon Van Der Mescht has made public the mine’s significant expansion plans which could see a doubling of the mine’s current resource.
With the help of a video presentation, Mr Van Der Mescht unveiled CSA’s mine expansion plans to a group of approximately 50 employees and local residents at a community information session last Thursday night at the Cobar Bowling & Club.
Mr Van Der Mescht said while global commodity prices were falling and many mining operations across the world were suffering, CSA was in an enviable position with very positive news to report.
“CSA has been able to remain robust in an extremely volatile market.
“CSA is going forward and this is very encouraging for the community,” he said.
Plans to exploit the full potential of CSA would give the mine a 16 year life based on their current exploration results and immediately create 40 new jobs in 2016.
“That is significant and potentially can get even bigger,” Mr Van Der Mescht said.
The video outlined CSA’s potential to extend the mine to a depth of 2.2km.
The discovery of new lenses beyond the current workings are a high priority and will offer flexibility to the current mine schedule while reducing the dependence upon the extraction from the current known deposits.
Exploration in 2014 has increased expectations of further discoveries along the strike, both north and south of the current workings and in the coming years the mine will increase exploration in untested areas while pursuing extensions of the known resources.
“After more than half a century of large scale mining, the CSA Mine and surrounding leases still remain relatively under explored.
“Many great opportunities have recently come to light which could transform into a doubling of the mine’s current resource to 25 million tonnes.
“Along with other encouraging near mine and regional prospects, the Cobar region’s future continues to shine bright,” according to the presentation.