meeting at the council chambers.
Cobar Shire Council has been approved to go ahead with a number of small projects within the town which have been funded as part of the Australian Government’s drought Communities Extension Program.
The improvement projects will not only help to make the town a more amenable place to live but will provide work for local tradespeople in the region.
The projects in the CBD include the installation of new tables, chairs, shade and landscaping to the Marshall/Linsley Street corner near the taxi rank/bus stop and a PA system which can be used to play music and make announcements during festivals, public events and street parades.
The funding will also be spent on another Cobar photo wall.
Similar to the photo wall in the main street near the National Australia Bank, another wall is being planned for the Copper City Motel fence in the rest area opposite the museum.
Funding is to also be spent on footpath upgrades and the installation of an accessibility ramp at the CWA building in Linsley Street
Council staff also spoke about future plans to construct a shared footpath along Bathurst Street (to service pedestrians visiting to the caravan park, the Tom Knight Memorial Oval, tennis courts and TAFE), along Blakey Street in front of the council depot and down Louth Road.
Drought funding is also to be spent on a new toilet complex at Dalton Park Horse Sports Complex which will also include showers.
Funding was allocated to two shade projects with shade to be installed over the barbecue area at Dalton Park so the area can be used all year round and additional shade will be installed at the Cobar Memorial Swimming Pool off the existing clubhouse.