Australian Government this week to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) have had wide-reaching effects which has caused the cancellation of a number of Cobar’s social and sporting events.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s directive to ban non-essential mass gatherings of 500 or more people means many events have been cancelled or postponed.
The Cobar Rodeo planned for this Saturday will not go ahead with club president David ‘Crocket’ Brown saying they are hoping to run it later this year.
Castlereagh Rugby League’s First Grade Knockout games, that were to have been played at Tom Knight Memorial Oval on Saturday, have been cancelled.
Cobar Shire Council announced on Monday that this year’s Grey Mardi Gras festival has been cancelled.
The Cobar Camels have cancelled their Billy Cart Derby which was to have been run at Easter.
Local Anzac Day services will also be cancelled after the Cobar RSL Sub Branch was directed to cease all gatherings.
Sub Branch secretary Robert Cooney said it was sad to see this honoured tradition being stopped by this virus.
“But the safety of the community is the most important thing and I am sure those that have sacrificed to give us the freedom we have today would agree,” Mr Cooney said.
Among other cancelled events are: Sullivan’s Mining & Hardware’s Trade Show this Friday; the Cobar Country Women’s Association (CWA) head office has advised that their members should not meet; Legacy warns its war widows should not congregate together in one location; all training and events for Cobar Cadets have been suspended; the Men’s Shed have suspended their activities; and all sporting competitions at the youth centre have been suspended until further notice.
A number of locals have been affected by the cancellation of national sporting competitions including the Cobar Yabbies Senior Men’s Swimming Club and the Cobar Clay Target Club.
Sports not going ahead this week include: Little Athletics, Cobar Junior Soccer Club’s Come and Try It Day, and both the Cobar Netball Association and Cobar Rugby Club have postponed the start of their seasons.
A number of inter-school sporting events have also been cancelled. Cobar Show Society yesterday made the decision to cancel this year’s Cobar Show, while decisions are yet to be made about the Cobar Races in May and the Louth Races in August.