David Harrison from Janaree has made a big investment towards improving his SheepMaster flock when he joined with three other studs to purchase an $85,000 ram last week at the National SheepMaster Ram Sale.
For the second year running breeders from NSW had quality stock in the offerings.
The sale was held onsite in Elleker WA, at the SheepMaster Parent stud, and online through AuctionsPlus.
The four NSW Studs, Wild Oat, Beckom; Montarna, Arumpo; Janaree, Cobar; and An-gevin, Tenterfield offered 20 rams of which 15 cleared with an average of $2,613, a huge achievement for the breed in NSW with rams purchased by buyers from across NSW, SA and WA.
The top equal price was achieved by Wild Oat and Montarna Studs at $3,600, both rams selling to the WA based Blackwood Sheep-Master Stud.
The top priced ram from Janaree went for $3,000 to Colin Kay, at Lock SA.
Wild Oat, Montara and Janaree studs also joined together with Blackwood Stud to form a syndicate for the purchase of Lot 1 offered by the Parent Stud, Apollo 073, for $85,000.
For a short time it was the highest bid of the day until Lot 2 then sold for $90,000.
Apollo 073 will be available for inspection at SheepMaster Stud Open Days to be held at each property in early 2022.