Colleen Boucher, Kay Corbett and Jean Poulter were thrilled to be able to begin holding meetings again on Saturday after the COVID-19 pandemic forced members into lockdown earlier this year.
The Cobar branch of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) held a meeting on Saturday, which was their first monthly meeting since the March COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.
Only a small number of the members attended which made it easy for the new COVID-19 social distancing guidelines to be adhered to.
Publicity officer Kay Corbett reports it was an interesting meeting with members brought up to date on a number items.
Members were notified the CWA country of study for 2020/2021 is Ecuador.
“We had a short discussion about Ecuador and we have more to learn, Kay said.
“If there is anyone in the community who has lived or travelled there and can give
us more information or is willing to speak at a meeting, we’d appreciate hearing from them.
“It’s a new country for most to study.
“We normally have our International Day at the August meeting but this has been postponed to a later date,” Kay said.
The Flora, Fauna and Foe to be studied
this year are the Waratah, Whale and Wild Dog.
The Far West Group CWA Council
Handicraft judging to go to State conference will be held in March 2021 and the Cookery competition will be held in December
Members were advised the CWA
State Conference that was to have been
held in Newcastle in May had to be cancelled.
The next annual conference will be held in May 2021 at Bega.
Members discussed items that were to have been discussed at the Conference which were instead voted upon via postal votes by each branch through their delegates.
One of these items was the election of
new State Honorary Secretary with Ms
Margaret Breust elected as the new Secretary.
Members are advised the winners of the various annual awards were published in the June CWA Journal.—contributed