compete at the Far West Group in a couple of weeks.
Four Cobar Country Women’s Association (CWA) members with winning entries in this year’s The Land Cookery Competition will progress to judging at Group level.
The local judging of this year’s entries in the annual cooking competition took part on Saturday at the CWA Rooms in Becker Street with Haylee Prince from Classique Catering, presiding over the judging.
Colleen Boucher won the Butter Cake and Boiled Fruit Cake sections; Kerrie Stuart received first places for her Carrot Cake and Chocolate Cake; Rebecca Howard placed second in the Chocolate Cake section; and Ellie Traynor had a first for Decorated Cupcakes in the Junior Section.
Judge Haylee Prince was guided by the CWA’s competition rules which dictates what ingredients can (and can’t) be used, the size of baking tins, rules around iced and un-iced entries as well as things to look for in finished products (ie cooked evenly through).
There are 13 sections in the competition along with a Junior Section for competitors 18 years and younger.
The four local members will now go on to compete against other cooks in the CWA Far Western Group in a couple of weeks time.