CHS students invited to take part in a mentoring program

Students at Cobar High School heard about how the AIME mentoring program works when AIME mentors visited the school last week. ▪ Photo contributed

Cobar High School (CHS) students had the opportunity last Wednesday to take part in a mentoring program that aims to give Indigenous high school students the skills and confidence to finish school and transi-tion into university, further education or employment.
AIME (Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience) is a dynamic mentoring program that has been supporting Indigenous students through secondary school and into university, employment or further education.
They have a goal to work with 10,000 Indig-enous kids per year and see them finish school at the same rate as all Australian students.
The program gives Indigenous high school students the skills, opportunities, belief and confidence to make this happen.
By matching Indigenous high school students with university student mentors, AIME suc-cessfully supports the students to finish high school. AIME also connects students with post Year 12 opportunities, including further educa-tion and employment.
AIME is leading the way in closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous edu-cation outcomes, a key factor in breaking the cycle of entrenched disadvantage for First Aus-tralians.
Four AIME mentors spoke to Cobar kids last week about how they can connect with other children around the world who are interested in improving the quality of life for Indigenous people.
The AIME team will return to CHS in the near future for Phase 2 of the program which consists of mentoring sessions for two students interested in becoming AIME ambassadors.