Local returns to take up Post Office manager’s role
It’s not that long ago that Kerrie Chandler was thinking about scaling back at work and she and her husband Bill were looking ahead to retirement. However a re-think during the COVID-19 pandemic has seen Kerrie move in a totally new direction she’s just been appointed as the Cobar Post […]

Camels to linger longer in limbo
The Cobar Camels will be required to linger a bit longer in limbo with plans for a Western Plains Rugby 2020 season still yet to be decided. Club president Jarrod Marsden said while the NSW Government last week gave the clearance for community sport to return on July 1, there […]

Junior players get back on the paddock
Cobar junior league teams will next month be back on the paddock playing in a modified Dubbo & District Junior Rugby League competition. Cobar Junior Rugby League president Simone Knight reports a 2020 competition will go ahead despite the Dubbo City and Wellington clubs both pulling out this season. The […]

Welcome rain
The Cobar district has recorded another welcome drop of rain over the weekend, with potential for more this week. A total of 12mm was officially recorded at the Cobar Meteorological Office from a storm overnight Saturday. To the east of Cobar the Gepperts at Restdown measured 13mm which they report […]

Local couple named Rotarians of the Year
Cobar’s Gordon and Therese Hill have been named the Australasian Rotarians of the Year. Rotary District 9670 Governor Graeme Hooper presented the prestigious award to the Hills on Saturday. The award recognises continuous club and district activity reflecting Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self”. Gordon and Therese are both devoted […]

Popular festival gets a second start
Following the huge success of Cobar’s Running on Empty Festival (ROEF) in 2018, all who attended (plus others who missed it) have been asking: When are we going to do it again? Festival coordinator John de Bruin announced on Friday that another ROEF festival would take place in 2022, from […]