Cobar’s CommBank employees have invited the community to help them raise funds for the Clown Doctors during the month of April.
On April 13, employees supported the Clown Doctors by dressing up as clowns and handed out gifts and lollies while collecting donations.
Clown Doctors is the core program of The Humour Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that provides medical clowns to sick children in hospital, treating them with a different kind of medicine – fun and laughter.
Clown Doctors is CommBank Foundation’s National Community Grant recipient for 2017-2020.
The not-for-profit is receiving $1.2m over three years through the generosity of more than 13,000 Commonwealth Bank employees who regularly donate a portion of their salary.
Throughout the month of April, Commonwealth Bank branches across Australia will be raising funds in support of the Clown Doctors.
Donations to the Clown Doctors can be made at any Commonwealth Bank branch throughout April.
Cobar Commonwealth Bank Branch Manager Rishae McGregor said the bank has been supporting the Clown Doctors for more than 19 years.
“It’s a cause our team is very passionate about,” Ms McGregor said.
“Through our fundraising day, we hope to help Clown Doctors achieve their goal of providing more Clown Rounds in hospitals across Australia.
“We look forward to welcoming the community to join us in our branch to share some laughs and make a donation.”
Tony Warner, CEO of Clown Doctors, said Clown Doctors aims to bring happiness to all who experience their magic.
“The smiles, play and laughter will always be needed as long as there are sick children in hospital.
“These highly trained, medical clowns are also professional performers who spread ‘doses’ of fun and laughter throughout the wards,” Mr Warner said.
“We’re so grateful to CommBank and the community for their support in raising much needed funds to help Clown Doctors continue to uplift and empower sick children, their parents and hospital staff.”