Local music teacher Judy Toomey helped to transport a group of local youth to Hawaii last week at the Cobar Shire Library when she offered students tips on how to play the ukulele. The classes to learn to play the iconic Hawaiian instrument were offered as part of Cobar Shire Council’s school holiday youth activities. The miniature four-string guitar embraces Hawaiian culture and it’s reported that just about anyone can learn to play it. Pictured with Judy (at far right) are students Oscar Degn, Isabella Degn, Ryan Jiang, Sophie Beer and Indigo Ryan.
Local music teacher Judy Toomey helped to transport a group of local youth to Hawaii last week at the Cobar Shire Library when she offered students tips on how to play the ukulele. The classes to learn to play the iconic Hawaiian instrument were offered as part of Cobar Shire Council’s school holiday youth activities. The miniature four-string guitar embraces Hawaiian culture and it’s reported that just about anyone can learn to play it. Pictured with Judy (at far right) are students Oscar Degn, Isabella Degn, Ryan Jiang, Sophie Beer and Indigo Ryan.
Cobar’s Sound Chapel is gaining fame all around the world ahead of its official open-ing in April. Renowned composer Georges Lentz brought in world-famous architect Glenn Murcutt to work on the unique project which turned an old rusted water tank into an amazing acoustic and astronomical space. Also working on […]
The Cobar Yabbies Senior Men’s Swimming Club 50th/51st Reunion was held over the weekend with more than 200 people attending. Swimmers from 10 different clubs, along with current and former Cobar Yabbies and their partners and families, celebrated the club’s milestone of 51 years (as COVID forced the cancellation of […]
During his presentation to the Western Division Councils of NSW 2022 Mid Term Conference in Cobar on Monday, State Member for Barwon Roy Butler announced the approval of a $65 million mining pro-ject for Peak Gold Mines. Mr Butler said Minister for Planning Antho-ny Roberts has given the approval for […]