The Cobar Business Association hosted a Women in Business dinner on Friday night at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club as part of the NSW Government’s 2022 Small Business Month activities.
Guest speakers at the dinner were former owner of JKM Dynamic Fitness Gym, Amie Hill, electrical engineer Janine Lea-Barrett and The Pink Galah’s artist Seigrid Peters.
Cobar Business Association president Sha-ron Harland said all three speakers were im-pressive and gave their audience plenty to think about.
“We asked each speaker to share their expe-riences in business and how they seem to have it all—run a business, have a family and also have time for personal interests and study.”
Seigrid advised there’s never a perfect mo-ment to start a business after she’d shelved her original business idea for nine years before eventually making it happen.
She recommended that passion be your driv-ing force and to trust your gut as to what feels right for you.
Being flexible and able to adapt as she went along helped her to succeed.
She encouraged women in business to sup-port each other, to be personable and to show they care about their customers.
Amie attributes her success in business to her passion for the fitness industry, to making the most of the opportunities that were presented to her, to being empowered (through education and life long learning) and to be willing to surrender if needed (ie asking for help, advice or ideas).
Janine threw down a challenge to the dinner guests asking them to reflect on what they considered “having it all” was.
She asked them what they perceived the benefits of having it all were and to think about what it was stopping them now from having it all.
Janine also challenged women to look fur-ther ahead as to where they see themselves in 20 years time and to reflect, “Would they be happy with the path they chose to follow?”.