The Cobar Probus Club ladies kicked up their heels at their Christmas party last Wednesday at the Empire Hotel. Members enjoyed a delicious traditional Christmas luncheon and, in lieu of exchanging gifts this year, members elected to make a cash donation which was collected and delivered to the local Centacare Catholic community service office. The Probus club is now in recess until February next year.
The Cobar Probus Club ladies kicked up their heels at their Christmas party last Wednesday at the Empire Hotel. Members enjoyed a delicious traditional Christmas luncheon and, in lieu of exchanging gifts this year, members elected to make a cash donation which was collected and delivered to the local Centacare Catholic community service office. The Probus club is now in recess until February next year.
There was a field of 17 shooters for the Beryl Jones Memorial Trophy event at the Cobar Clay Target Club on Sunday, with some visitors joining the local contestants. It was a sunny but chilly day, with a slight breeze in the air, which helped to keep the shooters alert […]
The Fire and Rescue NSW Cobar Station 256 crew have issued a warning to local resi-dents about the dangers of not properly dis-posing of coals from wood heaters. The Cobar crew responded to a report of a house fire in Morrison Street at 4am on Sunday morning. Upon arrival […]
Emma Hoy and Caroline Wallace returned to Cobar on Friday to host a listening party at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club as part of their Outback Outloud project. The pair, who are directors of Signal Creative, visited Cobar at the end of March along with Walgett, Brewarrina and Bourke […]