It was another successful event at the Cobar Amateur Pistol Club on Sunday morning with 12 participants attending with six shooters breaking their handicaps.
To receive a new handicap, a participant’s off pistol and current handicap needs to add up to a total of 600 or more points.
A formula is then used to calculate the new handicap.
Adnieszka Wiklendt broke her handicap again on Sunday for the second week in a row.
The scores from the day were: Jayden Cryer shot 101 off pistol, and with his handicap of 350, finished with a total score of 451; Megan Barker 257-350-607 (broken handicap); Sarah Cryer 380-193-573; John Stingemore 402-73-475; Kane Garbutt 276-350-626 (broken handicap); Lidya Kalamir 348-185-533; Mick Garbutt 497-74-571; Robert Neate 497-48-545; Eki Chan 293-350-643 (broken handicap); Agnieszka Wiklendt 375-328-703 (broken handicap); Helen Spencer 352-350-702 (broken handicap); and Jesse Andrew 397-350-747 (broken handicap).—contributed