Mayor Peter Abbott has announced he will be relinquishing his Mayoral duties effective from the Council September Ordinary Meeting later this month.
“Although I originally had decided to finish at years’ end, this change was brought on by the new State Government altering the rules,” Cr Abbott told The Cobar Weekly.
Cobar Shire Council had in December 2021 voted their mayor and deputy mayor in for a two year term.
The Office of Local Government has determined that Councils that elect their mayors are required under section 290(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1993 to hold mid-term mayoral elections in September 2023.
Mayors elected in September 2023 will hold office until council elections are held in September 2024. (Deputy mayors hold their office for the term specified by the council’s resolution.)
“It was actually a good move anyway as PD [Parkinson’s Disease] has become harder to handle with time and fatigue has made my 77 years seem like 100,” Cr Abbott said.
“I would not wish this disease on the lowest form of life.”
Cr Abbott said he would however accept the position of deputy mayor if it was the wish of the council.
“I do believe I have some things I can assist with and am one of the few who has unlimited time.”
Cr Abbott said he appreciated the contributions made by all councillors to the chamber .
“Having spoken with other mayors from numerous shires, Cobar must be one of the best around.
“Most others have at least one radical, mostly more,” Cr Abbott said.
“At the August Council meeting, Cr Peter Maxwell resigned.
“In my opinion Cr Maxwell was the most effective Councillor in the chamber. Council will miss him sincerely.”
Reflecting on his time as mayor, Cr Abbott stands by his comments made on Anzac Day this year.
“They caused some controversy but I still firmly believe that those who went over the top would have been appalled at the lack of freedoms now existing, and freedom is what they died for.
“Anyone who knows me well will know my connections with previous generations of Anzacs.
“In fact the Australian general in charge of the troops who landed at Gallipoli, Major General Bridges, was my third Cousin. ie his parents are one of my four sets of great grandparents.”
Cr Abbott said he sympathises with his successor as mayor.
“My belief is that we are in for some turbulent times in Australia in the near future.
“The task of obtaining funding appears as though it will be infinitely more difficult than in days gone by.
“Managing a change of the treasury benches is never easy and I wish he or she the best in negotiations.
“I appreciate the assistance I have received from all the wonderful staff in the office.”