Labor’s spokesperson for Barwon Daniel Mookhey MLC was in Cobar yesterday as part of his week-long “listening tour” of Western NSW.
In addition to speaking with Mayor Lilliane Brady yesterday Mr Mookhey also met with Broken Hill mayor Darriea Turley.
During his tour Mr Mookhey was keen to speak to mayors and councillors and all parties affected by the proposed ‘Far West Initiative’ and forced council amalgamations.
He was interested to hear from residents and small business owners who were suffering from rising energy prices and high numbers of blackouts.
Mr Mookhey was also planning to meet with farmers, irrigators and residents harmed by the systemic theft of water on the Murray-Darling.
“My ‘Barwon Deserves Better Tour’ purpose is to show Labor is listening. We want to use the 16 months between now and the next [State] election to build a community-based campaign to win a mandate change at the next election,” Mr Mookhey said.