secretary/manager by the board last week.
The Cobar Bowling & Golf Club board
has appointed their long-time employee,
Luke Anderson as the club’s new secretary/
Luke, who has been working at the club for
the past 12 years, has been acting in the secretary/
manager’s role after the former secretary/
manager Brad Beetson left in September last
When Mr Beetson officially resigned in January
(due to family reasons) the board then
looked at appointing his replacement.
Luke’s first position at the club was as a bar
attendant. He’s also worked as a cellarman
before being promoted to Operations Manager
which saw him oversee the day to day running
of the club.
In his new role as secretary/manager, Luke
will now be responsible for the management
and recruitment of staff, handling the club’s
contracts and overseeing renovations.
“It’s a big challenge but I am keen and eager,”
Luke told The Cobar Weekly on Tuesday.
As he officially starts work in his new role,
Luke is going to be kept very busy as the board
has plans to expand the club’s poker machine
There will also be some improvements made
to the front verandah area that will provide
more shade for patrons.
Luke said a Development Application for the
upgrade work has been submitted to Council
and he expects that construction work will
commence in the very near future.
He’s also been overseeing other improvements
in the club’s car parking area where a
number of old gum trees have been removed
and new garden beds are to be planted.
And with COVID restrictions easing, Luke
has also been busy finding and booking entertainment
for the club.
“It will slowly start happening in the next
couple of months,” Luke said.
The club recently hosted their first major
event coming out of restrictions (the Lip Sync
for Netball fundraiser for the Cobar Netball
Association) and Luke reports he’s just booked
country stars, Catherine Britt and Amber Lawrence,
to appear in Cobar next month as part of
their 2021 Love & Lies tour.
Luke said he appreciated the support he received
from members and also the board since
he stepped up into the manager’s role.
“The members have been great,” Luke said.
“They were also very understanding throughout
the COVID period which made our job a
hell of a lot easier. Having great members that
went along with us instead of fighting us made
things much easier.”